20% off all in-stock fruit trees and citrus trees*

While Supplies Last *Some Exclusions Apply

Please Call to check if we are open during bad weather!





Moro Blood - Limited Supply

Torrocco Blood - Limited Supply

Sanguinelli Blood - Limited Supply

Well-known for the rich red hue of its flesh, the Moro Blood Orange is general smaller than other varieties. The most colorful of the blood oranges, the Moro, also has a distinct sweet flavor with a hint of raspberry, as well as a slight bitterness and a strong aroma. The Torrocco Blood Oranges are the sweetest of all the blood oranges and is nearly seedless while being very juicy! Our Sanguinelli Blood Orange also juicy and nearly seedless with an acidic sweet-tart flavor with hints of cherry.

Cara Cara - Limited Supply

The Cara Cara Orange fruit is medium-sized with a deep orange skin and reddish-pink flesh. Ripening from December through April, the Cara Cara has good Navel Orange flavor with a distinctive cranberry “twist.” Its flesh is also low in acidity and usually seedless.



Valencia - Limited Supply

vALENCIA rED sMITH - Limited Supply

Created by California agronomist William Wolfskill, the Valencia Orange is rumored to have been the inspiration for the naming of Orange County, California, following their growing success in Santa Ana. Valencia Oranges are also the only variety that fruits during the summer months. The Red Smith variety is a stunning red inside, but still sweet and juicy!


Washington Navel - Limited Supply

The widely popular Washington Navel was actually the result of a single mutation occurring in 1820, which caused a second, smaller orange to develop at the base of the original fruit. While undoubtedly serendipitous, the nature of the Washington Navel’s creation makes it sterile, and requiring of grafting onto other Citrus varieties to continue its propagation.



Calamondin - Limited Supply

Predominantly cultivated in the Philippines, the Calamondin is a cross between a citrus, and a kumquat. Generally a small growing tree — heights can reach between 9 and 19 ft, with a thin peel when fully ripe.